mod_authnz_ibmdb2(8)             Apache module            mod_authnz_ibmdb2(8)


       mod_authnz_ibmdb2 - Apache authentication module for DB2


       mod_authnz_ibmdb2  is  an Apache authentication module using IBM DB2 as
       the backend database for storing user and group information.

       The module is designed for Apache 2.2 and later.  It  supports  several
       encryption methods.


       These  directives  are used to control the behaviour of the authentica-
       tion process.

       AuthIBMDB2Database database
              database name

       AuthIBMDB2Hostname hostname
              database server hostname (for uncataloged databases)

       AuthIBMDB2Portnumber port number
              database instance port
              default value: 50000

       AuthIBMDB2User username
              user for connecting to the DB2 database

       AuthIBMDB2Password password
              password for connecting to the DB2 database

       AuthIBMDB2UserTable usertable
              name of the user table. If not fully qualified,  the  user  that
              was  used to connect to the database is used as the schema name.

       AuthIBMDB2GroupTable grouptable
              name of the group table. If not fully qualified, the  user  that
              was  used to connect to the database is used as the schema name.

       AuthIBMDB2NameField namefield
              name of the username column within the user and group table
              default value: username

       AuthIBMDB2GroupField groupfield
              name of the groupname column within the group table
              default value: groupname

       AuthIBMDB2PasswordField passwordfield
              name of the password column within the user table
              default value: password

       AuthIBMDB2CryptedPasswords [On|Off]
              If AuthIBMDB2CryptedPasswords is "On", then  the  passwords  are
              stored  encrypted.  You  do  not  have  to  specify what kind of
              encryption was used. Valid encryption methods  are:  normal  md5
              hash  (32  chars as in php), seeded md5 value (as generated with
              Apache's htpasswd utility  or  as  in  /etc/shadow),  crypt.  If
              "Off", plaintext passwords are used.
              default value: On

       AuthIBMDB2KeepAlive [On|Off]
              If  AuthIBMDB2KeepAlive  is  "On", then the server instance will
              keep the IBMDB2 server connection open.
              default value: On

       AuthIBMDB2Authoritative [On|Off]
              If AuthIBMDB2Authoritative is "Off", then iff the  user  is  not
              found  in  the  database, let other auth modules try to find the
              default value: On

       AuthIBMDB2NoPasswd [On|Off]
              If AuthIBMDB2NoPasswd is "On", then any password the user enters
              will be accepted as long as the user exists in the database.
              default value: Off

       AuthIBMDB2UserCondition user_condition
              Can be used to restrict queries made against the user table. The
              value should be a string that you want to be added to the end of
              the  where-clause  when querying the table. For example, if your
              user table has an "active" field and you only want users  to  be
              able to login if that field is 1, you could use a directive like
              this: AuthIBMDB2UserCondition active=1

       AuthIBMDB2GroupCondition group_condition
              Can be used to restrict queries made against  the  group  table.
              The  value  should  be a string that you want to be added to the
              end of the where-clause when querying the table. For example, if
              your  group  table has an "active" field and you only want users
              to be able to login if that field is 1, you could use  a  direc-
              tive like this: AuthIBMDB2GroupCondition active=1

       AuthIBMDB2UserProc user_procedure_name
              If  set, the named stored procedure is responsible for returning
              the password of the user in question  to  the  module.  It  must
              return  exact one value - the password. If AuthIBMDB2NoPasswd is
              "On", then the username has to be returned instead of the  pass-
              word.  The  stored  procedure  must have the following parameter

              CREATE PROCEDURE user_procedure_name ( IN VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR )

       AuthIBMDB2GroupProc group_procedure_name
              If  set, the named stored procedure is responsible for returning
              the groups the user in question belongs to. It  must  return  an
              open cursor to the resultset. The stored procedure must have the
              following parameter format:

              CREATE PROCEDURE group_procedure_name ( IN VARCHAR )

       AuthIBMDB2Caching [On|Off]
              If AuthIBMDB2Caching is "On", the user credentials are cached in
              a file.
              default value: Off

       AuthIBMDB2GroupCaching [On|Off]
              If  AuthIBMDB2GroupCaching  is  "On",  the  group information is
              cached in a file that  is  named  like  the  file  specified  in
              AuthIBMDB2CacheFile but with the extension .grp
              default value: Off

       AuthIBMDB2CacheFile filename
              defines the location and name of the cache file
              default value: /tmp/auth_cred_cache

       AuthIBMDB2CacheLifetime seconds
              sets the expiration timeout in seconds of the cached elements
              default value: 300


       Example 1:

       Let's  say  you want to protect http://yourserver/private. The database
       where the users and groups are stored in is authdb. You want to use the
       user  db2user  and  the password db2pwd to connect to the database. The
       name of the usertable is web.users and the name of  the  grouptable  is
       web.groups. The two tables look like this:


       USERNAME                       PASSWORD
       ------------------------------ --------------------------------


       USERNAME                       GROUPNAME
       ------------------------------ --------------------------------

       The  passwords  are stored encrypted and the database connection should
       not be closed after the request. mod_authnz_ibmdb2 should be  the  only
       authentication  authority and a password is needed to be authenticated.
       The users that are in the group admin should be allowed to  access  the
       protected area.
       With the above assumptions, your httpd.conf should look like this:

       LoadModule    authnz_ibmdb2_module   modules/

       Alias         /private               "/data/private/"

       <Directory "/data/private">
           AuthName                    "DB2 Authentication for private"
           AuthType                    Basic
           AuthBasicProvider           ibmdb2

           AuthIBMDB2User              db2user
           AuthIBMDB2Password          db2pwd
           AuthIBMDB2Database          authdb
           AuthIBMDB2UserTable         web.users
           AuthIBMDB2NameField         username
           AuthIBMDB2PasswordField     password

           AuthIBMDB2CryptedPasswords  On
           AuthIBMDB2KeepAlive         On
           AuthIBMDB2Authoritative     On
           AuthIBMDB2NoPasswd          Off

           AuthIBMDB2GroupTable        web.groups
           AuthIBMDB2GroupField        groupname

           require                     group admin
           AllowOverride               None

       You also could have ommitted the parameters
       AuthIBMDB2NameField, AuthIBMDB2PasswordField,
       AuthIBMDB2CryptedPasswords, AuthIBMDB2KeepAlive,
       AuthIBMDB2Authoritative, AuthIBMDB2NoPasswd
       because the default values are used in the above example.

       Example 2:

       In  this  example  we use the same assumptions as in the first example,
       except that we want to use stored procedures. For our example we add an
       additional column to the group table:


       USERNAME                       GROUPNAME                        ACTIVE
       ------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------

       The two stored procedures have the following structure:

       CREATE PROCEDURE db2user.user_sp
       (IN v_username VARCHAR(128), OUT v_password VARCHAR(128))
         SELECT password INTO v_password FROM web.users
       WHERE username = v_username;

       CREATE PROCEDURE db2user.group_sp
       (IN v_username VARCHAR(128))
         SELECT groupname FROM web.groups
         WHERE username = v_username AND active = 1;

         OPEN res;

       The stored procedures return the password and the list of groups of the
       user passed to them. Furthermore we want the user and group information
       to  be  cached.  The directives in the httpd.conf should then look like

       <Directory "/data/private">
           AuthName                    "DB2 Authentication for private"
           AuthType                    Basic
           AuthBasicProvider           ibmdb2

           AuthIBMDB2User              db2user
           AuthIBMDB2Password          db2pwd
           AuthIBMDB2Database          authdb
           AuthIBMDB2UserProc          user_sp
           AuthIBMDB2GroupProc         group_sp

           AuthIBMDB2Caching           On
           AuthIBMDB2GroupCaching      On

           require                     group admin
           AllowOverride               None


       httpd.conf, .htaccess


       Written by Helmut K. C. Tessarek.


       Hopefully none :-) But if you find one, please report it at:


mod_authnz_ibmdb2                  June 2015              mod_authnz_ibmdb2(8)